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BLUE M 7680高温对流烘箱
Oven Features
◆BLUE M 7680高温对流烘箱外部为厚尺寸钢板
Heavy gauge steel exterior
all exterior panels ate at least 16 gauge
◆BLUE M 7680高温对流烘箱所有焊接和密封的内部炉膛构造
All welded and sealed inner chamber construction
●BLUE M 7680高温对流烘箱消除烟气通往绝缘体
eliminates fume migration into insulation.
●BLUE M 7680高温对流烘箱内部构造采用304不锈钢板
interior constructed of type 304 stainless steel.
Full 1/2-inch steel front chamber mounting plate
●BLUE M 7680高温对流烘箱保证强度和空间的稳定性
for strength and dimensional stability.
◆BLUE M 7680高温对流烘箱完全焊接结构
All welded construction
●提供Blue M 承诺的可靠性和强度
contributes to Blue M"s legendary reliability and strength.
◆BLUE M 7680高温对流烘箱粉末烘烤
Baked on powder
coated blue enamel finish for long-lasting corrosion protection.
Heat shielded doors
for low skin temperature.
Mineral wool insulation
6 full inches to minimize heat loss.
◆Blue M玻璃纤维粗纺门垫圈设计
Blue M fiberglass tadpole door gasket design
for positive sealing of door.
◆特有的Blue M Pivot-Lock?门插销
Exclusive Blue M Pivot-Lock? door latch
assures optimal sealing of door gaskets at highest operating temperatures.
◆特有的Blue M 双垫圈封设计
Exclusive Blue M dual-gasket door seal design
maintains seal integrity at temperatures to 704°C.
Standard safety door switch
shuts down heaters and blowers when door is opened.
General Specifications
温度范围Temperature range:
从高于室温15°C到 704°C (1300°F)
控制精度Control Accuracy:
- 空腔在额定电压下性能
- Empty chamber performance at rated voltage
Uniform, Accurate and Reliable Temperature Control
Available with profiling or single setpoint temperature controls
Horizontal air flow
assures uniform thermal performance under all loading conditions.
Double plenum design
tuned for optimal uniformity
removable for cleaning.
◆特有的Blue M Eterna? 加热原理
Exclusive Blue M Eterna? heating elements
air flow switch for extra protection from burnout
low-watt density for longer service life.
◆*初的Blue M单一通道空气流动
Original Blue M one-pass air flow
to control your profile, including cool down
infinitely variable control for full recirculation to one full pass
optional motorized damper for automatic operation.
High-temperature blower system
optimized for reliable high-temperature performance
multi-blade centrifugal blower with matched helical scroll
high -volume air delivery for uniform control at extreme temperatures
dynamically balanced for minimum noise and maximum reliability
lifetime lubricated motor.
Ultra-Temp Options
Engineered Oven Options
Stainless steel shelves
◆Vycor? 玻璃观察面板
Vycor? glass observation panel
24-hour, 7-day digital timer
Redundant overtemperture protection
Circular chart recorder
Lead-in ports
Reverse door hinge
Special control systems
Motorized exhaust damper
Comm-Link RS-485 to RS-232 converter
Blue M 保证
The Blue M Warranty
1-year parts and labor warranty.
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